Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am starting a recipe blog, so I can have my recipes online-for my kids to someday access when they really start cooking, and to share with friends. I really love the blog "For the Love of Cooking" and so I am modeling my blog after that. I suggest everyone go and check Pam's blog out, its great.

My pictures-not so much as the majority of the time they are taken from my cell phone. But now I can work on making more creative pictures-since I also really enjoy taking pics of food (weird, I know.)

So, for my first recipe, Garlic Chicken. I don't really do measurements, per se. My Italian grandmother sort of instilled in me that you cook to taste-which of course is different for all of us. I like simple meals, healthy meals that don't take a lot of effort (though some recipes are worth it and I have some labor intensive ones.) This one I just made up on the fly, as most of mine come from.....I come from the "what do I have in the fridge/what is going to go bad if I don't use it" school of cooking LOL.


Chicken (grilled is best)
Fresh tomatos
Fresh basil
sweet yellow onion
olive oil
white wine (any will do, but a drier white works best)
parmesean or romano cheese

You can use left-over grilled chicken, or grill a chicken breast using sea salt, pepper, olive oil and any spice you like (rosemary is great for this.) Sautee the garlic in olive oil, careful not to over-brown (it gives garlic a bitter taste.) Add onion. Add the chicken, sauteeing til no longer pink, or heated. Add the tomato and fresh basil. Add a splash of wine-about 2 or 3 tablespoons and sautee for 3 mins or so.

Remove from heat and toss with the parm or romano cheese.

*no chicken and no cheese for vegan. Can sub tofu, or add other veggies and serve on a bed of pasta or quinoa or brown rice. No olive oil, saute in some veggie broth or even in the wine. 

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