Tuesday, August 11, 2015

PT 2, 27 healthy and hearty meals for 150.00 bucks, ft. Trader Joe's

Technical issues aside (my roommate is an IT guy so he did something that help resolve it)-moving along now.

I would like to feature some of my own original recipes in this, but this segment really was just randomly made by me bored one night and randomly Googling food. Clicking on different links leads me to different places and I am happy to have found the food sites that I have. (I wasn't kidding though that just about every food blogger is also a photographer.)

That said, I made the One pot Roasted Red Pepper pasta tonight and it was fabulous. My Burger King loving roommate even sucked some down.

Yeah, that's cheese. Trader Joe's shaved Parmesan and Romano blend to be precise, and it was a steal at 2.99. Also there is some cream cheese in this. I am not ready to give up cheese. In fact I have determined that ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE, I will eat me some cheese. Period. 

I have found that vegetarians typically do vegetarian for dietary reasons, and vegans do it sometimes for that but mostly for the ethics of animal love. Which is totally cool. I just personally love some cheese as a garnishment to my foods or as a 'stuffing', like a ricotta/feta in a spinach pasta or Spanakopita. Once or twice a month I am wanting to do. Maybe someday I will try all the cashew sauces I see vegans making, or some of the many vegan cheese available-but like a man, its going to have to take an incredible and amazing vegan cheese to make me commit to no animal renin cheese. 

Okay moving along-I also will incorporate a few eggs into my monthly meals. I still feel that eggs have a great deal of necessary nutrition and are little powerhouses themselves. I also feel that there isn't an ethical dilemma as no animals are harmed by eating the eggs (and it's totally not true that the little white thing in the yolk is a 'chicken abortion.' Complete urban legend stuff.)

I saw this on the latest food blog I've been stalking and its a must-try. It's number 11 on my 27 meal list. I love curry, I love eggs, and I love potatoes. Seems like a trifecta of winning on a plate to me. She uses hot curry, I use mild. If I want more heat or spice, I will happily add Sriracha though on this, Tabasco would be my go-to. 

There's ginger and cilantro again, so I'm for sure getting my money's worth. Now on the side, Beth serves this with a Minty Pea Salad. Sounds great, and I found another great sounding recipe where mint  and peas can be used. So the money spent on the mint here won't be wasted. Mint as a garnish is really unique and awesome. Here's the Pea Salad: 

And the recipe. Minty Pea Salad

So what could I possibly use Mint and Peas with again? Welcome to meal 12, Spinach Ravioli with Pea Puree and Arugula

Seems uppity, doesn't it? Listen, I also found a Hemp Seed Alfredo Sauce which is non-dairy so totally vegan that is supposed to be the shit-even meat eaters like it-and that seemed really uppity to me. I will try it, as I decided I will buy Hemp seed next time I'm at Trader Joes. For now, I can use the rest of the peas as well as more mint. Then I put mint and cucumber in some water for a refreshing drink (if I had vodka I'd be all about the Mojitos.) Recipe for spinach rav here: Spinach Ravioli with Pea sauce and Arugula

I couldn't find plain Arugula so I just got one of those salad mixes that has it in there. Arugula is a spicy lettuce, by the way. If you aren't familiar with it, you may want to look it up so you know what it looks like, and do what I did and buy a 'greens' mix or 'spring mix' salad bag and taste-test it. It's a hipster lettuce used now on flatbreads and sandwiches and stuff like this recipe. I like it-it's 'peppery' but otherwise if you're not feeling it, any lettuce base will do with this recipe. 

I will be eating fish occasionally and I also happen to have some cans of tuna still. So I've decided to make an Orzo Salad with Tuna. Hey come to think of it this is an original recipe of mine. In fact, I don't even have a picture of it. After I make it sometime this week I'll edit one in. For now, here's a stock picture of what 'orzo' looks like. It looks just like rice, except it's a pasta- a macaroni if you will. This picture I found looks similar to the salad I am making. What I am using however, is the 21 Seasonings from Trader Joe's to make a 21 Seasonings Vinaigrette. 
Here's the vinaigrette: 

Keep in mind, the jar of 21 Seasonings is only 1.99. Here's the recipe: 21 Seasonings Salad Dressing

My salad will look like the above except I will add feta, tomatoes, cucumber, black olives, red onion, artichoke hearts and tuna, so I guess its like a Greek tuna salad. Which if you're vegan you don't do with the feta (unless there's a vegan feta out there) and of course omit the tuna. Add beans instead. 

I'm in the mood for a classic dish that normally isn't even eaten as a meal, but rather as an appetizer. Sweet and Sour Meatballs. So I figured that all I have to do is sub the meat with a 'meatless' meatball and TJ's came through. The reviews by many people state that the meatballs are really good. A bit soft or mushy, but taste great all the same. And with the sweet and sour sauce-how can you go wrong? I make mine old school as the picture here shows (not mine, my meatballs are "meatless meatballs from Trader Joes) but her recipe is the same as mine. It's like the Thanksgiving Green Bean casserole recipe of meatballs, I think. 

Recipe (coincidentally, another blog on eating well and saving money) Sweet and Sour Meatballs

I will actually serve these on basmati rice along with a side of broccoli braised in soy sauce and garlic (meh-weird mix but it works for me.)

If you read my posting on nutritional boosters you'll see that Turmeric is a 'super food' spice. So I want to make some Turmeric rice to go with some Crack Tofu. I'm not a big fan of tofu. The sounds and the looks of the recipe got me to re-consider eating it by itself and I think with the addition of rice and salad veggies, it'll make a good meal. 

Recipe: (she's using Jasmine, but you can use any rice you want) Yellow (turmeric) Jasmine Rice

Hell-here you go, might as well put in how Turmeric can also be a great healer and medicine: 10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric

Now for the 'crack' tofu. Crack as in it's that good, it's like addictive, like crack cocaine. I know-I've seen the Facebook meme. How to Prepare Tofu. 

Except who the hell wants to eat it tofu plain?  Yes of course you will want to just throw it in the trash then. You put it in stuff and it picks up the taste of the stuff. And it comes in different 'strengths'-from creamy to extra super firm. So you can't just say "I don't like the consistency". Anyway, good photography can be a great seller and also the ingredients are simple (there's 4)
and sound great so what the hell, try it. Even the recipe bowl she has it in looks tasty as hell.

Here's the recipe: "Crack" tofu

It looks like this is going to have to go into a Part 3. I know, I know. Normally I'd stay up, but I have to be up early for a work thing tomorrow and I am super-tired from today's activities. There's still about 10 more recipes to squeeze out of Monday's shopping trip.

 I should also add that I showed the Trader Joe's and Garden Fresh run, but I did spend about 8.00 at Aldi's. It is there that I bought my coffee creamer ( a large vanilla caramel non-dairy creamer) and some feta cheese, along with couple cans of chick peas and a bag of limes. Aldi's being the brother of Trader Joe's and also the prices are super-great low. Last minute stuff I just forgot at the other places.

Some might argue that stopping at 3 different places is a huge pain in the ass and I'd agree-except the Aldi's and the Garden Fresh are about 4 blocks from each other, and Trader Joes' is about 20 minutes away from me no matter what. So I can hit the two others on my way back from TJ. Believe me, the 2 or 3 bucks in gas it may cost me more than made up for in what I'm able to purchase and to make.

Incidentally-even with myself and my roommate eating it, there was enough Roasted Red Pepper Pasta left over from dinner tonight to have a very generous helping for lunch tomorrow, as well as a huge serving to freeze. So now I have enchiladas and the pasta in the freezer, for a future lunch or dinner. That saves even more money in the future as well.

Wrap-up tomorrow!!

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