Sunday, May 27, 2012


Granted, this is not the most flattering picture of Gazpacho that you will see, but don't be deceived: Sometimes the beauty of anything isn't in its appearance. That said, Gazpacho is a cold, chilly soup that a 90 degree evening matches well with. It's Memorial Day weekend and most people are doing traditional BBQing, but not me. I can do that any ole' time. I like to take advantage of how good this soup is when you are sweating (er, "glowing" for the ladies.)

Gazpacho has a traditional recipe but basically-like most things I post-you can be creative and do what you like. My base is simple-either tomato juice or V8 juice. A dash of Worchestire sauce, and whatever spice is appealing to me. I also throw a tiny bit of balsamic or apple cider vinegar in there.

Red onions, baby corn, chopped spinach, cucumber, tomatoes-whatever veggie you are willing to eat. Throw it in. Then chill it. When its super hot out, you now have a souper supper. LMAO that was totally cheesy.

* no no no to canned tomato juice and especially v8, for the sodium content alone. If you have a blender, just blend and puree real tomatoes for the base of this. If you are vegetarian but eat fish you are okay with worchestire sauce, otherwise avoid as it is made with fermented fish (anchovies).You may sub with Bragg's Amino Acid sauce, a couple splashes.  Otherwise this is totally vegan and you are free to walk about the cabin. 

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