Monday, June 29, 2015

Close, but no cigar......

Speaking of cigars, it's been 3 months since I've had any nicotine. Quit cold turkey. I smoked 30+ years, often 2 packs a day and times of extreme stress, burning through almost 3 was not unheard of.  No one ever imagined that-least of all me, who had been trying to quit for YEARS. It really wasn't hard at all, once I had the shit scared out of me and you know, almost died. Funny how that makes smoking not very important.

I did use xanax the first week and the insomnia was off the chain crazy for about 3 days straight, but over-all, its been fine. I didn't change a thing in my life. I eat, drink, drank coffee, do all the same things I did before. It truly is in your head.

My cardiologist did say that it would be okay for me to smoke water vapor (with no nicotine in it)-though he looked at me like I was nuts-and I did that for a little while because I really found the act of inhaling something and holding something hand to mouth, THAT was the addiction. That's what I craved.

Most the time however, I will hold a cinnamon stick roughly the same size of a smoke and that is all I need to do. Evidently cinnamon is healthy as well, so if I do chew on it, its all good. Lowers blood glucose.

My last posts on this blog were 3 years ago, in 2012. And I really was attempting to eat healthy. I didn't do too bad. Unfortunately I just didn't know any different, just how bad the cheese, dairy and oils were for me, for all of us. Like I said, I will be keeping the old posts up because it does help to have those recipes as 'transitional' from 'truly shitty diet' to 'relatively healthy'-I guarantee if you are on a shit diet that even my old posts will have you losing weight and feeling better, but I'm going to go back in an edit them now to make them either vegetarian or vegan. Look for the *.

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