Monday, June 29, 2015

Eat right, exercise and die anyway

One argument I hear a lot from people is that we are gonna die anyway, so we might as well enjoy life. This is a rational to continue to eat foods and do activities that are not in our best health interest.

To a degree, I agree. Life is meant to be enjoyed. And there's not a question that fatty foods, creamy foods, cheesy foods, sugary foods seem to enhance the joy of life-and they do very much act as drugs in our brains. You can find all kinds of information on just how some foods truly are considered addicting.

But such as with drugs-our bodies don't need the certain ingredients-like sucrose, which is aka 'table sugar', white cane sugar.

But I tend to agree that the idea of never tasting certain foods again, seems like a huge bummer considering that yeah, something is gonna get us anyway. But here's where that argument ends.

Depending on who you ask, a 10% leeway in the diet is permissible. I suppose you pick you poison then. Do you eat some chicken? Do you have some fish (both a couple or few times a month.) Do you have an egg? Do you put a slice of cheese on something, or dip your bread in oil?

It is said to reverse disease, such as heart disease-you must go on an SOS diet. No Salt, No Oils, No Sugars. Seems daunting in a culture where those 3 ingredients are abundant and put into EVERYTHING.

How do you avoid it? Reading labels of course, and knowing the code words for hidden oils, fats and sugars. Things like 'corn syrup, high fructose' hide sugar. Oils -those are pretty specific but there is no 'healthy' oil. Olive oil is not good for the heart. The Mediterranean diet is good for the heart and the meddie lifestyle is good for the heart. Those people have less heart disease as a byproduct of lower stress, more rigorous physical activity, naps during the day, and a diet filled with fresh fruits, veggies and grains. Here in the states, its assumed if you just sub butter with olive oil, you're 'heart healthy' but that's bullshit, because butter has LESS calories per serving than oo. Now, the oo may not be 'saturated' fat, but obesity counts as risk factor on the heart. The fatter you are, the harder your heart has to work to pump the blood and oxygenate you. That added stress and strain causes problems as we are well aware of.

Problem is, subbing with fake sugars, 'no fat' or 'low fat' creates a whole host of other problems as well. Our bodies are not built to consume white sugar but it really doesn't know what the fuck to do with aspartame and the like, so yes your pancreas gets all out of whack with insulin/glucose and stuff like that and boom, you've given birth to diabetes.

I'm going to go over some labels to show just how deceptive marketing is,in terms of leading people to believe that food is not only healthy but even safe.

Yes, you ARE going to die anyway. And we've all heard the stories of the clean living jogger who drops dead on the jogging trail of a heart attack, and the grandfather who lived to be 98 despite a pack a day, 6 pack a night eggs every morning and beef every evening lifestyle. But times ARE different, including those cigarettes that have also been adulterated and added shit to. So here's the options:

Die, but die 10-15 years younger than you have to, and until you die, be plagued with illnesses like diabetes, cancer, crippling arthritis, dementia, chronic aches and pains, headaches, insomnia, impotence, no sex drive, exhaustion, depression, hair loss, anxiety, obesity, constipation/diarrhea, no energy, sadness, mood swings, skin problems and end up in a nursing home where you are completely dependent on people you may not even like, OR-die with minimal illness, active and autonomous and taking care of yourself until you peacefully die in your sleep from old age?

I'd rather give a few 'pleasures' food wise up, to avoid the fate I have seen as a health care worker time and time again. It ain't pretty. And, I'm also not ready to go anytime soon. So, I'm willing to try and do what I have to prevent as much bullshit as I can.

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