Monday, June 29, 2015


Every 34 seconds, someone is having a heart attack. Every hour, someone dies from heart-related illnesses. Heart disease kills more people than all forms of cancer combined.

 Diabetes is an epidemic now. Cancers are increasing. More and more people suffer from digestive upsets and migraines, not to mention mood disorders, depressions and anxieties.

We are dosing our kids with drugs because there is an over-abundance of diagnoses of ‘Attention Deficit Disorder.’ Sexual dysfunction, obesity, fatigue-leads more people to self-medicating, i.e. prescription drugs, illicit drugs and alcohol.

Why? Look at our foods. Those who argue “Well my grandparents lived a long time”-they didn’t deal with the shit we do now. We have fake sugars, and 1000′s products made with them. We have fake fats. We have bleaches and dyes and fortifications and additives and preservatives. We replace gluten and fats with chemicals and questionable fillers. Our grandparents didn't have 'bars' of 'nutrition' to take with them on the go. They had nothing to 'nuke' for dinner.
 You used to go to a local butcher for local cuts of meat, and you'd go to a fish market for fish. Milk was delivered to their doors-from the dairy itself-and breads were purchased at the bakery. There was no 'one stop' shop, you'd buy fruits and veggies at a farm stand. You went to the grocery store back in the day, for your lards, flours, sugars and dried goods such as beans and rice.

We now house animals in unbelievably crowded and filthy arenas, we feed them antibiotics and hormones in order to expedite mass meat production. The meat is not the same, even when I was a kid-I can tell a difference. We have more food poisoning bacterias (E Coli), our soil has been adulterated due to pesticides, and we have hybrid-GMO foods made for some reason-mere lazy. I mean seriously, you can’t spit out the fucking black watermelon seeds?

Don’t even get me started on “gluten-free.” Few people have true Celiac Disease. The rest of us are suffering digestive not so much because of gluten-but all the other bullshit. They stick wheat in everything now, allegedly healthier than white flour, and with the fake fats, sugars, fillers, chemicals, colorants, fortified enriched-that’s what’s killing our gut. When people eliminate gluten they usually eliminate a lot of other bs by default. However, when you buy a ‘gluten free’ product that naturally WOULD have gluten in it, now you are buying a substitution which will probably also make you feel like crap.

Our grandparents ate organic all the time-because it used to ALL be organic. They had no ‘better eating through chemistry’. They didn’t have a microwave which gave birth to the ‘convienience food’ world. Nothing was stored in plastic, really. Higher quality ingredients were used, and there were less choices. Today, just going down a bread aisle can confuse you for an hour. They didn’t add massive amounts of salt to foods-and people cooked at home. The seeds were not genetically altered.

Going out to eat was for special occasions, and fast food was a ‘treat’-not a lifestyle. Even the fast food ingredients and products were of much higher quality. With population and demand increases, poor economies and growing conditions-price vs supply and demand means substituting costlier things, such as sugar into a cheaper alternative-high fructose corn syrup. Killing us all, as it wrecks havoc with the pancreas/glucose/insulin routine in our bodies.

Just like you could argue that Latino cuisines have a palate that is geared towards hot and spicy foods-the American palate likes sweet. This is why there is sugar in EVERY FUCKING THING., From salad dressing to ketchup to any bottled sauce, to tomato and spaghetti sauces, even spices-sugar is in everything., And the bitch of it is-we don’t need it. At all. Our bodies DO need SOME sodium. We simply don’t NEED sugar so the over abundance that we get when not even trying-then the sugar we DO choose in the forms of ice cream, pies, cakes, etc…..its no wonder that every other person seems to develop diabetes or reactive hypoglycemia. Yet to avoid those products and buy them without the additives-that’s where the cost factors in. So what’s the solution?

GIVE THE SHIT UP. LEARN TO LIVE WITHOUT SUGARS. More on that to come, and I know what I'm talking about because I was also a sugar addict.

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