Sunday, July 19, 2015

Homemade Vegan Sour Cream-it doesn't suck!!!

Vegetarian I figured I could do, as eating meat is not that big of a deal to me and in fact, kinda turns me off when I really think about the condition of the animals and all the stuff done to them and their meat. That said, the fear of Vegan really comes with my love for cheese and dairy products such as sour cream, coffee creamer, ice cream, yogurt/kefir.

I have found that the soy yogurts are a tasty substitute and I really can't tell much difference between it and regular yogurt. This makes me happy because I do want those 'friendly' bacterias to be in my gut once in awhile, especially as a woman.

I am still experimenting with vegan cheeses and I have reviewed the 2 already that have been posted. So far, it's not THAT big of a deal to not have cheese with everything, but I don't think I am alone in my love for it. Being at the grocery store this evening cemented that thought in my mind-not only is there a vast array of cheese in the deli section alone-at least 3 huge cases full-there is the regular ole' cheese aisle as well. We are a nation of cheese lovers-there is no doubt about that, and these days it's hard to find it not smothering something or sprinkled/added to foods.

This all said, sour cream is a weakness of mine. I used to make a dish called "Pollo Con Creama", which is a Mexican chicken dish made with a sour cream sauce. Of course all Mexican dishes for me are better with sour cream, and what is a baked potato without it? Not to mention that it was the 'secret ingredient' in my classic potato salad (a mix of Hellman's mayo w/sour cream) and I made a salad that was like a Greek Tziki sauce of cucumber, onion, vinegar and sour cream. Oh, and for salmon-a crazy good sour cream/fresh dill sauce that my ex-husband actually turned me on to.

And I mean, DIPS. Knorr Leek onion dip, veggie dips- how can you have dips without sour cream??

Needless to say-I can't get enough of it. Yes, I tried subbing with Greek yogurt to be 'healthier' but I've learned that yogurt is animal. I am really trying to eliminate MOST dairy. No small trick because mayonnaise is right behind sour cream as being my favorite condiment. (I'll be reviewing vegan mayo but I can already tell you-it ain't bad, either.)

So when I Googled for a vegan sour cream, I expected the usual onslaught of nut-based recipes that really sorta turn me off. I shouldn't knock until I try, but soaking cashew nuts and then churning them into some sort of cheese or sour cream in a weird vegan alchemy kind of a way was simply NOT appealing to me. Then I found this gem on the You Tubes.

VERDICT: It doesn't suck!!!! The first taste, did taste sort of 'soy-ish'. But after 2 more bites, it really started tasting more and more like sour cream. I'm almost certain, that like anything else once you are used to it, the actual original product will taste 'weird.' It's strange how we do 'accustom' to different tastes. I mean seriously-did you really like aspartame the first time you tried something 'diet'? If you did, weirdo. You are a weirdo.

You know what I love most about this? It's not pretentious. Its simple. Its easy. Its very, VERY accessible ingredients-hell, there are 3. Unlike this next video that I will show you simply for contrast:
This thing is exactly WHAT I'm trying to avoid. I'm sure she's a very nice person. I'm sure she's a great person. Ethical, 'mindful', loves the environment, the animals. She's very white. SHE IS THE STEREOTYPE ALL THE FREAKIN' WAY. All the way down to her hemp milk.

Hemp milk. Get the f*ck out of here, hemp milk.

"I prefer hemp milk." Oh, LOVEY. Sounds the same as some elitist " I prefer the Malbec wine."

Seriously. I need to keep it low-class. Because I'm not this chick. But I care about my health, my family and friend's health, and I don't want to see animals adulterated, either. I don't like GMO. I don't like the poison being peddled on grocery shelves-but I don't fit this mold. No offense to her, it's not her personally. I'll be showing more vegan videos of "what I eat in a day" and you'll see-young, white, very pretty and trendy girls, into outdoors, etc.

Anyway, here's the sour cream I probably will never try and make ^^^^^^

I haven't been to a Whole Foods, Marianos, Trader Joes or health food store yet-maybe won't be for a good long time-to purchase a vegan sour cream. So for now I will be making this simple one (the first video). It'll work. A baked potato, with the vegan butter "melt" and this homemade sour cream with some fresh chives-perfect for that baked potato craving. MMM. I may have to make tomorrow and report back! :)

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