Monday, July 13, 2015

Thug Kitchen,yo (NSFW video)

So I wanna say about 5 years ago, a website called Thug Kitchen came online and it featured vegetarian/vegan cuisine. And their "schtick" was to curse and talk all ghetto-fabulous, which they do, in abundance.

Link to Thug Kitchen

Now if you've seen the video I've posted here of Auntie Fee-she's simply a YouTube star. Her son videoed her making some 'sweet treats for da kids" and it went viral, and a cooking show was born. She also swears her ass off, but she's not cooking vegan-nothing even remotely close to vegan. Her "dumb ass good macaroni and cheese" is a vegan's worse nightmare, featuring egg, milk, butter and cheese. Throw some ham up on that bitch and it would be to a vegan like throwing holy water onto the devil.

Anyway, there was a bit of controversy between Auntie and Thug-not between them but she did a video pointing out hypocrisy-that she's been judged and maligned for her use of curses and foul language whilst cooking and Thug Kitchen has been praised and lauded. Then she kinda went race card on about it but she has a bit of a point.

I think she may be a bit paranoid though because I'm sure that Thug Kitchen has had their share of judgy haters most likely with the bible next to the cookbook types, but it is true that Thug Kitchen is sort of a joke in that they are really white trying to be hood. The food is totally high end, and yet what they are doing is exactly what I'm trying to do-get rid of that stigma and stereotype and bring healthy eating to ev'rrybody. To black, white, hispanic, asian, martian, purple-gay, straight, republican, democrat, confederate, living in a trailer, living in a mansion it don't confront me none-to make this type of eating-primarily plant based-the norm and not a weird little hipster urban trendy wealthy Whole Foods hype-y kind of thing.

I'm not sure the demographic that Thug kitchen was aiming for-I'm going to guess anyone with a sense of humor but if I had to put money on it I'd say a younger collegiate aged crowd. Which is good, instill healthy eating habits and knowledge in the young. But it does make eating this way much more humorful. In trying to attract people to a new lifestyle, sometimes you need to get their attention, have a 'gimmick' be a little shocking. Thug Kitchen delivers on this.

While I too will be sharing recipes (yes, they are coming) that are over-all simple, another point of my blog is to do research and education and link you to places that keep it real, are not over-pretentious and of regular people just trying to be healthier. Thug Kitchen also brings this to the table, metaphorically, literally.

BTW, nobody is compensating me or bribing me to endorse them; these are just my picks for no frills, simple, keeping it real healthy eating tools and tips and recipes. Plant-based can get far more elaborate, frilly, fancy, exotic and crazy, depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you wanna go...but let's not get all vegan Anthony Bourdain yet. I'm still navigating these waters myself, still trying new things for the first time myself. Ive made myself an example of a person reluctant to give up comfort foods and highly addicted to cheesy buttery goodness average American motherfucker. So since I am the ambassador of the S.A.D. (standard American diet) defecting to Veggieland -if I say you'll like it, you'll probably like it and if I say it sucks-it will most likely suck.

I think my finger is on the pulse, coming from the land of BLT pizza's and the best hotdogs on the planet. (Picture: How I used to eat, and BLT pizza. Mayo, bacon, lettuce, tomato. Oh how I'll miss thee!)

so trust grasshoppers, and allow me to be your vegan guinea pig. Meanwhile-here's a 'commercial' for Thug Kitchen that I think you'll really fucking enjoy!

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